Antitrust M&A Snapshot | FTC and DOJ Continue M&A Transaction Investigation While UK CMA Continues Role as Key Jurisdiction in Merger Clearance Process

By and on February 14, 2020

Antitrust regulators in the United States and Europe were very active in the final quarter of 2019. The FTC and DOJ continue to investigate and challenge M&A transactions in a variety of industries. Events of this quarter highlight the importance of states in merger enforcement. As well, recent FTC activity highlights the regulators’ focus on preventing monopolists from buying nascent competitors.

In Europe, the UK CMA continues to expand its role as a key jurisdiction in the merger clearance process, which will only accelerate with Brexit. The EC agreed to clear, subject to conditions, acquisitions in the aluminum production and battery industries as well as in the wholesale supply and retail distribution of TV channels after conducting Phase II reviews. Moreover, the EC opened new in-depth investigations into transactions in the copper refining and engineering sectors.

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Carina Kant
Carina Kant advises clients on antitrust and competition law. Through working at renowned international law firms in Luxembourg and Hamburg, Carina has gained experience in antitrust, merger control and cartel investigation matters. Through her studies, Carina has specialized in European and International Law with an additional, specialized foreign training (FFA) degree in French and Japanese Law. Read Carina Kant's full bio.

Noah Feldman Greene
Noah Feldman Greene focuses his practice on antitrust matters. He assists clients on mergers and acquisitions, including defending transactions before the Federal Trade Commission, Department of Justice, state antitrust authorities and foreign competition authorities. He also assists clients with premerger analysis and notifications under the Hart-Scott-Rodino Act. Additionally, Noah advises on antitrust compliance matters, antitrust litigation and government investigations. Read Noah Feldman Greene's full bio.





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