Russell Hayman

Russell Hayman represents companies in the technology, health, life sciences and in other sectors in complex civil litigation nationwide. Drawing on his background as a federal prosecutor, he has also represented companies in government investigations and criminal proceedings. A successful trial lawyer having taken over 25 cases to trial, Russell has successfully defended clients in complex federal antitrust, patent infringement and theft of trade secret cases involving acoustic, cellular, Wi-Fi, software, mobile app, semiconductor and memory technologies. Russell’s trial experience in antitrust matters includes both horizontal and vertical restraint claims. Read Russell Hayman's full bio.
What California’s DOJ Said at the 2024 Antitrust Law Section Spring Meeting
By Michelle Lowery, Betty Zhang, Russell Hayman, Jon Dean, Julian Andre, Maria Rodriguez and Yesenia Gallegos on Apr 29, 2024
Posted In DOJ Developments, FTC Developments, Mergers & Acquisitions, Monopolization/Abuse of Dominance
The American Bar Association Antitrust Law Section’s annual Spring Meeting earlier this month featured federal, state and international enforcers discussing a variety of antitrust and competition issues across jurisdictions. Paula Blizzard, the California Department of Justice’s antitrust chief, provided insights into the California attorney general office’s current and upcoming enforcement activities. Read more here.
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