Joint Ventures/Competitor Collaboration
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Aerospace & Defense Series: Leading Antitrust Considerations for M&A Transactions

Aerospace and defense contractors engage in a wide range of mergers, acquisitions and joint venture transactions, which are often subject to heightened antitrust scrutiny. This article highlights some of the leading antitrust factors that contractors should consider when contemplating M&A transactions in their unique industry.

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Aerospace & Defense Series: DOD Study Touts Competition Benefits in Military Purchases—Creates Implications for Future Antitrust Reviews

It is a general tenet that competition serves customers well, enabling them to acquire better products at lower prices.  Of course, this premise underlies the antitrust laws.  In the aerospace and defense industry, the customers are often government agencies that are monopsonists with significant purchasing leverage.  Government customers often have contracting mechanisms that are not generally available in the commercial marketplace, such as the ability to receive certified cost and pricing data from contractors.  From time to time, contractors have attempted to rely on arguments that the government’s buyer power and contracting rights ensure that contractors cannot impose unreasonable pricing on the government, even if there is no or limited competition.  The antitrust regulators and the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) have long rejected that notion, stressing that regulation is not a substitute for competition.  A recent DoD study supports that general proposition, and provides data the DoD interprets as showing that the presence of competition improves contracting outcomes for the government.  See DoD 2014 Annual Report on the Performance of the Defense Acquisition System.  This report provides some interesting thoughts and data that may impact future antitrust agency reviews.

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How to (Legally) Keep Competitors from Poaching Your Key Employees: Antitrust Law and Non-Poaching/Non-Solicitation Agreements

by Nick Grimmer

How can a company legally protect its valuable interests in key employees, when a competitor can just swoop in with a more attractive employment offer?  A non-poaching agreement or clause (also called a no- or non-poach, -hire, -interference, -switching or -solicitation agreement or clause, depending on the circumstances) can offer protection.  In these agreements, competitors or potential competitors for skilled labor might agree not to cold call, solicit, recruit or even hire each other’s employees.  The agreements usually cover specified employees or categories of employees (e.g., by title, skill area or salary level) and usually last for a set period of time. 

The ancillary restraints doctrine generally governs non-poaching agreements.  Under that doctrine, a restraint of trade (here, the non-poaching agreement) is permissible if it is one in which there is also a legitimate/procompetitive main agreement, and the covenant in restraint of trade is necessary and merely ancillary (i.e., collateral or subordinate) to that agreement.  If it is not, then it is a “naked restraint of trade” and will be per se illegal under federal antitrust law (and the plaintiff—typically, the affected employee(s)­—will need only to prove the existence of the restraint, as opposed to having to show its anticompetitive effects, which are presumed).  Conversely, if a non-poaching agreement is ancillary to a legitimate/procompetitive agreement, it is judged under the rule of reason, which involves a balancing of procompetitive benefits and anticompetitive effects. 

Agreements that keep employees out of competitors’ camps come in several flavors.  The basic types—and their general antitrust treatment—include:

“Naked” agreements between competitors:  Like an (illegal) agreement among competitors to divide sales territories, a naked agreement among competitors for labor simply to not hire each other’s employees is likely per se illegal (in essence, they both entail “you keep what’s yours, I keep what’s mine”).  To avoid per se illegality, keep these points in mind:

  • The purpose of the main agreement must be legitimate; a non-poaching agreement aimed only at “protecting” employees from poaching or improving relations with a competitor for labor is a non-starter.  We address examples of legitimate purposes below.
  • The more related and tailored the non-poaching agreement is to a legitimate purpose, the more likely it is necessary and ancillary to a legitimate main agreement (such that the rule of reason will apply); conversely, a broad, vague or general non-poaching agreement might be subject to per se treatment.  So, a non-poaching agreement should:
    • be in writing
    • set a specific end point with a clear relationship to the main agreement (e.g., a reasonable period following a sale); and
    • specifically define the scope of covered employees (by class, position, section of the company, geography or even name) in a manner clearly related to the main agreement; it should cover only the employees that are or might be directly involved or at issue in the main agreement.  So, for example, if two companies enter a joint venture that relates to only one of their numerous product lines, the joint venture agreement’s [...]

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ACOs and Antitrust Are Aligned and Compatible, Says Commissioner Brill

by Carrie G. Amezcua

FTC Commissioner Julie Brill addressed attendees at the 2013 National Summit on Provider Market Power on June 11.  The focus of her remarks were on the intersection of antitrust, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs).  She first touched on the ACA.  Noting the empirical evidence shows that high concentration among health care providers has harmful competitive effects, she was optimistic that the exchanges that will be established as a result of the ACA will offer consumers a range of competing, affordable health care products and will encourage greater competition in local insurance markets. 

Turning to ACOs and antitrust, she stated that the FTC is starting to hear providers contend that the ACO program is a justification for their (alleged) anticompetitive activity.  Providers complain that the government is "talking out of both sides of their mouth" with Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) encouraging coordination via the ACO program and the antitrust agencies challenging coordination.  Commissioner Brill disagreed stating that "the goals of the ACA and antitrust enforcement are aligned and compatible."  She noted the extensive cooperation between CMS and the antitrust agencies.  She explained that the ACA requires coordination of care but that it "neither requires nor encourages to merger or otherwise consolidate," but like any collaboration short of a merger, they must do so in a way that does not violate antitrust laws.  Commissioner Brill also stated that ACOs are flourishing and only two provider groups have thus far sought antitrust guidance as permitted under the ACO Policy Statement from the agencies before forming the ACOs. 

Finally, Commissioner Brill emphasized that the FTC will continue to investigate provider collaborations or mergers where there may be competitive harm.  She made a point to clarify that the FTC evaluates all assertions of efficiencies and quality improvements but that parties must provide "good documentary evidence" to support these assertions.

Commissioner Brill’s speech is consistent with the posture and approach the agencies have been taking with regard to provider consolidations in the relatively new landscape being built by the ACA and formation of ACOs.  There is not yet enough data to see exactly how the ACA will affect providers from an antitrust perspective.  But providers can be certain that the agencies will continue to look closely at any consolidation or collaboration that may violate the antitrust laws, regardless of whether the activity was taken to try to comply with the ACA. 

The full speech can be found here.

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China’s Merger Control Rules Changing: MOFCOM Publishes New Draft Regulations on Remedies and Simple Cases

by Henry Chen, Frank Schoneveld and Alex An

China’s Ministry of Commerce recently issued two new draft regulations.  The first provides a wider range of potential remedies to obtain the clearance of a concentration (e.g., a merger, acquisition, joint venture, etc.); the other defines the standards for “simple” merger cases that are eligible for a “fast-track” clearance procedure.

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Alleged Agreement Between Chesapeake Energy and EnCana Corporation to Suppress Prices for Mineral Rights Highlights the Antitrust Risks Facing Energy Companies

by Jon B. Dubrow and Shauna A. Barnes

Recently published reports of land acquisition activities between Chesapeake Energy and EnCana senior executives will likely expose those companies to a Department of Justice (DOJ) antitrust investigation and challenge, as well as, if accurate, civil antitrust claims.  This matter highlights the risks that energy companies face when discussing lease arrangements with their competitors. 

Joint Bidding or Bid Rigging for Property Rights Can Violate the Antitrust Laws

In February 2012, DOJ settled its first challenge to a bidding agreement for mineral rights, alleging that agreements between Gunneson Energy Corporation and SGI Interests to bid jointly for government mineral leases were anticompetitive.  In a previous post, we explained the potential issues and pitfalls related to joint bidding for oil and gas properties.  We suggested various factors that companies can use to assess, or manage, their antitrust exposure. 

Reuters Obtains and Publishes Confidential Communications Between Chesapeake and EnCana Appearing to Coordinate to Reduce Prices Paid for Properties

On June 25, 2012, Reuters published a special report indicating that Chesapeake and EnCana agreed to suppress bids for mineral rights at public and private land auctions.  Citing dozens of highly inflammatory emails, the article purports to detail how Chesapeake’s CEO, Aubrey McClendon, and other senior executives at Chesapeake and EnCana discussed how to avoid creating a bidding price war in acquiring drilling rights for Northern Michigan properties. 

According to Reuters, throughout 2010, EnCana and Chesapeake were the leading buyers in Michigan and they aggressively competed to acquire properties for hydraulic fracturing (fracing) operations.  During a May 2010 land auction, they paid approximately $1,413 per acre.  Following the auction, private landowners sought competing bids, leading to a bidding war resulting in offers of more than $3,000 per acre.

Reuters indicates that Chesapeake and EnCana discussed via email entering into a formal venture, including some areas of mutual interest that would allow the parties to share in the risks and rewards of developing properties.  However, they did not enter into any venture.  Instead, they purportedly discussed in emails ways, as independent bidders, to refrain from bidding up land prices, and to allocate various properties between themselves.  These emails were followed by significant price reductions in the offers made by Chesapeake and EnCana. 

Oil and Gas Industry Companies Need to be Sensitized to the Risks in Joint Activities Related to the Acquisitions of Mineral Rights

The Chesapeake-EnCana situation, following quickly on the heels of the DOJ’s joint bidding challenge earlier this year, serves as a reminder that companies in the oil and gas industry must exercise care in situations where they may want to work with potentially competing bidders.  In the oil and gas industry, firms frequently work together to acquire and develop properties, and that can often be lawfully accomplished through a legitimate collaboration.  Firms, and their executives, may often have opportunities to discuss property acquisition in the context of a legitimate, integrated venture, including with firms that might otherwise be competitors.  However, while some [...]

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China Streamlines Antitrust Notification Process

by Henry L.T. Chen, Frank Schonveld and Brian Fu

The Ministry of Commerce of China (MOFCOM) recently promulgated a new amended merger notification form along with instructions for completing the form.  In doing so, MOFCOM aims to further regulate the procedures regarding antitrust review of large mergers, acquisitions and joint ventures; to promote transparency in the notification procedure; and to improve the efficiency of antitrust review.

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European General Court Confirms Parental Liability For Competition Law Infringements by 50:50 Joint Ventures

by Philip Bentley QC and Philipp Werner

The European General Court (GC) has confirmed a European Commission decision to hold chemical companies EI du Pont de Nemours and Dow Chemical jointly and severally liable for a fine imposed on their 50:50 joint venture (JV) for an infringement of European competition law (EI du Pont de Nemours and Company v Commission T-76/08 and The Dow Chemical Company v Commission T-77/08).  In light of this judgment, parent companies would be well advised to check that their 50:50 JVs are compliant with EU competition rules.

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China’s First Merger Control Decision Approving a Joint Venture–GE & Shenhua

by Frank Schoneveld, Brian Fu and James Jiang

In giving approval to GE China’s joint venture with Shenhua Coal, China’s Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) has answered positively the recurring question of whether the formation of a joint venture falls within China’s merger control rules.  It is now clear that the formation of a joint venture can require clearance from MOFCOM under China’s Anti-Monopoly Law.


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