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FTC’s New Chairwoman Ramirez Says Health Care Continues To Be Top Priority

by Hillary Webber

In remarks made this week at the International Competition Network annual conference, Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Chairwoman Edith Ramirez stated that health care will continue to be a top priority for the FTC.   Referring to health care and hospital mergers in particular, she said that the Commission will "guard[] against what we consider to be consolidation that may end up having adverse consequences for consumers."  The Chairwoman’s comments indicate that the recent leadership change at the FTC from former Chairman Jon Leibowitz to Chairwoman Ramirez has not altered the Commission’s priorities.

Recent months have seen a flurry of FTC activity in the courts related to health care.  For example, two FTC cases came before the U.S. Supreme Court this term — the FTC’s challenge to Phoebe Putney’s acquisition of Palmyra Park Hospital in Georgia and the FTC’s challenge to "pay-for-delay" patent infringement litigation settlements between branded and generic pharmaceutical manufacturers. 

In February, the Supreme Court ruled that the state action doctrine did not immunize Phoebe Putney’s hospital transaction from federal antitrust scrutiny, and the FTC has subsequently filed renewed motions in federal district court to stop further integration of the two hospitals even as it prepares for a full administrative hearing on the merits that will begin in August. 

A decision on the "pay-for-delay" case is expected in June.  The Supreme Court’s ruling may have a large impact on further FTC efforts against what it perceives as anticompetitive efforts to delay generic drug entry.

Health care clients considering acquisitions are advised to consult antitrust counsel early in the transaction process.  Given the FTC and DOJ’s close scrutiny of health care transactions, early advocacy before the antitrust agencies is often critical to a deal closing on schedule.  

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China’s Merger Control Rules Changing: MOFCOM Publishes New Draft Regulations on Remedies and Simple Cases

by Henry Chen, Frank Schoneveld and Alex An

China’s Ministry of Commerce recently issued two new draft regulations.  The first provides a wider range of potential remedies to obtain the clearance of a concentration (e.g., a merger, acquisition, joint venture, etc.); the other defines the standards for “simple” merger cases that are eligible for a “fast-track” clearance procedure.

To read the full article, click here.

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German Federal Cartel Office Levies Administrative Fine Due to Incomplete Merger Notification

by Martina Maier, Philipp Werner and Robert Bäuerle

The German Federal Cartel Office (FCO) has imposed an administrative fine for the submission of incomplete information in a merger notification.  The missing information concerned details about shareholdings essential for the competitive assessment analysis.  The shareholdings belong to a private individual who controlled the notifying party.  Companies and their shareholders required to submit notifications should be aware that the omission of information in merger notifications before the FCO can result in fines not only for the notifying company but also for the company(ies) and individual(s) controlling it.

To read the full article, click here.

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China’s Ministry of Commerce Announces Investigations into Failures to Notify a Concentration, Introduces New Transparency Measures

by Henry L.T. Chen, Frank Schoneveld, Jared Nelson and Sean Pan

China’s Ministry of Commerce recently announced that it opened four investigations during 2012 into suspected non-compliance with China’s merger control notification procedures.  The outcomes of the investigations are still uncertain, but the actions clearly show increased efforts to ensure compliance through enforcement of the law.  Although the number of investigations was fairly low in 2012, the four cases are part of a new, larger trend of enforcement that began with a 2011 announcement to prioritize these investigations and was reinforced by new interim measures aimed at specifying compliance obligations and enforcement procedures.  Multinational companies with operations in China are encouraged to increase compliance efforts in this area in order to avoid becoming targets of this new enforcement priority.

To read the full article, click here.

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Poland in the Spotlight: Extensive Changes to Polish Competition Law

by Philip Bentley, QC and Philipp Werner

Polish legislators have confirmed their commitment to change significantly the provisions of the Polish Competition Act.  The proposed amendments will undoubtedly change Polish competition law substantially, by improving and strengthening the position of enterprises and enhancing legal certainty.  Furthermore, the intended increase in procedural efficiency will likely translate into a faster and more effective system that will not only speed up the relevant processes, but will also allow the stakeholders to obtain the necessary knowledge about their legal situation, enabling them to adjust their market strategies accordingly.

To read the full article, click here.

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U.S. Supreme Court Hears Oral Argument in Phoebe Putney Hospital Merger Challenge

by Jeffrey Brennan, Ashley Fischer, David Marx and Carrie Amezcua

In oral argument in FTC v. Phoebe Putney Health System, Supreme Court Justices focused on whether the state legislature clearly articulated a state policy to displace competition with regulation, in a case challenging the application of the state action doctrine to a hospital merger to monopoly.

To read the full article, click here.

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Deputy Director Dafny: FTC focuses on Diversion Ratios, Not Geographic Markets for Hospital Mergers

by Stephen Wu

During an American Bar Association (ABA) program on antitrust and health care issues on October 1, 2012, U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Deputy Director for Health Care and Antitrust, Leemore Dafny, said that the FTC will focus on how patients purportedly react to price increases, as measured by "diversion ratios," when deciding which hospital mergers to investigate further for potential anticompetitive effects. 

Dafny stated that the FTC will focus on diversion ratios rather than geographic markets because relying on geographic market overlaps in hospital mergers may do a poor job of identifying the true source of potential competition problems.  Instead, the FTC has and will continue to evaluate hospital mergers to look at whether patients would be willing and able to substitute one hospital for the other if one hospital decided to raise prices for services, using the diversion ratio or the proportion of patients who would switch between them in response to a change in prices.  Importantly, the diversion ratio does not rely on any one particular geographic market definition to give the FTC what it believes to be an accurate idea of how a hospital merger might affect competition. 

To the extent the FTC considers geography, its staff begins by examining the primary service area of the hospitals – the area from which the hospitals draw about 75 percent of their patients – when conducting a preliminary evaluation of a merger to determine whether overlaps exist.  According to Dafny, the more significant the overlaps, the higher the likelihood of a potential competition problem.

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Italian Competition Authority Mandatory Fee Due by 30 October 2012

by Veronica Pinotti, Martino Sforza and Nicolò Di Castelnuovo

In response to significant feedback, the Italian Competition Authority (the Authority) clarified the following issues concerning the new mandatory fee that was discussed in our recent blog post, Italian Competition Authority Mandatory Fee Due by 30 October 2012:

  • In relation to foreign companies, only those registered in the Companies Register (Registro delle Imprese) before any of the Italian Chambers of Commerce, will pay the mandatory fee (provided that their revenues exceed €50 million).  Foreign companies are subject to registration with the Companies Register if they have an administrative/secondary seat in Italy, or their main business is in Italy.
  • Companies belonging to a group are subject individually to the mandatory fee, provided that their revenues exceed the €50 million threshold.  When several companies which are subject to the mandatory fee, belong to the same group, the maximum amount—equal to €400,000 for the year 2013—refers to the entire group.  The payment may be carried out by the parent company, individually for each of the subsidiaries that are subject to the fee.  However, if the group’s liability reaches the maximum threshold, a single payment by the parent company is allowed.  In this situation, the Authority must be provided with a chart specifying the details of all companies subject to the fee and for which the payment is being made.
  • For the companies drafting their financial statements in accordance with international accounting standards, the bases for calculating the fee are the revenues corresponding to item A1 on the Income Statement, drafted in accordance with Italian accounting standards.  The Authority has not provided any further guidance on this specific issue but it should be possible to determine those revenues by reclassifying the Income Statement’s items on the basis of the criteria set out in Article 2425 of the Italian Civil Code.

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Italian Competition Authority Mandatory Fee Due by 30 October 2012

by Veronica Pinotti and Martino Sforza

From 1 October 2012 until 30 October 2012, public limited companies based in Italy that have total revenues exceeding EUR 50 million must pay to the Italian Competition Authority (ICA) a new mandatory fee, which replaces the current filing fees for merger transactions.

Entities Subject to the Fee

  • Public limited companies (e.g., S.p.A. or S.r.l.) with total revenues—according to the latest financial statements (item A1 of the income statement)—exceeding EUR 50 million are subject to the fee.
  • For banks and financial institutions, the amount of revenue for the purposes of calculating the fee is one-tenth of the institution’s assets on its balance sheet.
  • The revenues of insurance companies are equal to the amount of premiums collected. Subsidiaries and associate companies belonging to a group must each pay the fee separately on the basis of the revenues set out in their financial statements.

Contribution Amount

  • The amount of the fee is equal to 0.08 ‰ of the revenues set out in the latest financial statements. The fee cannot exceed EUR 400,000.

Terms of Payment

For 2013, the fee must be paid in advance to the ICA from 1 October 2012 until 30 October 2012, and the payment must be communicated to the ICA by 30 November 2012.

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